Gypsy Moths

Even in winter there is still lots to learn from nature. This black cherry tree has gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) nests on it. They are the tan furry spots, and contain from 100 to 1000 eggs.⠀

Gypsy moths are an invasive species from Europe and Asia. Once hatched, the larvae will defoliate a tree, weakening it. Two years in a row of defoliation can kill the tree. ⠀

The adult female is white and cannot fly. The male is brown. Their pupae’s are dark brown. ⠀

Although it seems daunting, I’m out scraping off the egg nests into a soup can containing hot soapy water.⠀

This morning I pulled off a loose piece of bark from a black cherry tree and the space behind was full of pupaes and egg nests. ⠀

Only 30 acres of hardwood forest to check through but I have to try. ⠀
Photo credit: Marie Heintzman

Lee Anne Downey