Creating ’Soothe’ Lavender Oil Roller Balls - Batch M18RA & M18RR

‘Soothe’ Lavender Essential Roller Ball Blend with Rose Quartz roller ball

‘Soothe’ Lavender Essential Roller Ball Blend with Rose Quartz roller ball

Our first product that we made this summer at Stonewell Farm is a 10 ml vial called ‘Soothe’.

It contains ‘Melissa’ lavender essential oil also known as Angustifolia or English lavender. Melissa has a white bud with a pale pink flower. Melissa is popular with lavender growers because it is a prolific producer of sweet scented oil. The journey from plant to product is pretty interesting. Want to know more? Read on!

The lavender that went into ‘Soothe’ batch M18RA and M18RR was harvested in early August of 2018. We waited until all the lavender blooms were finished. This is when the plant starts producing excessive oil. When touching the stems you are left with a oily residue on your fingers. That’s when we know it is time to harvest!

white lavender field

white lavender field

copper essential oil distiller

copper essential oil distiller

filling vials with lavender oil

filling vials with lavender oil

amythyst single vial and filling 021.JPG

The stems are cut in bulk and loaded into the distiller where steam will capture the oil molecule and carry it up and into a cold water condenser. It liquefies and drips out into a beaker. We separate the oil and water using an ‘essentier’. The lavender essential oil is then stored for 6-12 months to age and evolve just like wine!

Your ‘Soothe’ roller ball was created in the spring of 2019, finishing a journey from planting in 2017 to distilling in 2018 and bottling in 2019. Who knew it was such a lengthy process to make lavender oil products? Now you know why they are so special!

Lee Anne Downey